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Integral Development Coaching

This way of working with clients can be truly transformative for those looking to bring about profound change in their lives and ultimately in how they relate to themselves, others and the world around them.  Unlike other forms of coaching, Integral Development Coaching affords a deeper insight into ourselves and an opportunity to cultivate a New Way of Being.  


It's no wonder that when clients progress in their journey they inhabit a new way of responding, leaving them more self-aware, skilful and resourceful.

Integral Development offered by Levitate Coaching allows client to cultivate a New Way Of Being for themselves.
Coaches at Levitate Coaching support clients in their journey to navigate the path ahead.
Our Integral Development Coaching approach and framework affords clients an unparalleled depth to their development.
Clients are treated with relentless compassion throughout their time with Levitate Coaching.  Compassion provides a softening quality to the discussion and the overall integral approach to our coaching packages.
We shall stand along side our clients and help them in their courage to face any challenges they will face duing their Integral journey.

What is it......

Integral development coaching is a holistic approach to personal and professional growth that encompasses various dimensions of an individual's life.  It is a dynamic and collaborative process that helps individuals identify and discover themselves and their gifts by developing their mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of their life.


Integral development coaching recognises that true growth involves more than just acquiring new skills and knowledge; it involves a deep exploration and integration of one's values, beliefs, emotions, body, culture, relationships, environment, systems and so much more.  As a result, clients leave with greater levels of self-awareness, learning to self-correct.  They have a greater sense of identity, authenticity and a felt sense to be themselves.

Is coaching for me...

If you have reached this point in your research then the answer is most probably going to be "yes".  There are many many reasons why humans are drawn to development and there too many to cite here.  We may reach a point in our life where our usual way of being can no longer be relied upon to carry us forward in the direction we want to head towards.  In other words, something different is being asked of us.  Some will make changes on their own, whereas others will turn to professional coaching to address the suffering inherent in the dissonance between how we are and how we want to be.


Whether you're a seasoned professional aiming to enhance your leadership skills at work or looking for the next promotion, or navigating a life event or maybe drifting through life without purpose, then Integral Development Coaching offers an unparalleled opportunity of self-discovery and transformation.


With our integral approach, we encourage our clients to explore themselves in a gentle and compassionate way and empower them to align their values, body, mind and heart to serve their aspirations.

Our expertise...

Our coaches are knowledgeable and experienced.  However, what distinguishes them is their grounding and discipline in Integral Development.  This is what sets us apart from other forms of coaching and modalities.


Our coaches have faced their own developmental hurdles and remain active in their own path of personal development.  They understand what it is to be a client, to be coached and what it takes to bring about change.


We have extensive experience of coaching clients from diverse backgrounds on various topics in their professional and/or personal lives.  The areas we have worked with clients are too exhaustive to list here, although here is a sample:


  • Cultivating a felt sense of inner strength and safety, leading to improved resilience and confidence in and outside of the workplace;

  • Learning to regulate strong emotions such as anger, fear and anxiety;

  • Developing a sense of identity, meaning, purpose and direction;

  • Deepening executive leadership attributes such as attuning to others, inspiring others, showing vulnerability;

  • Transforming the relationship with the inner critic and the associated self-limiting and paralysing beliefs;

  • Transforming addictive patterns of behaviour;

  • Maturing in emotional competence by learning to interpret one's inner world to help foster stronger mutual and reciprocal relationships;

  • Learning to overcoming immediate life events that life throws up such as bereavement, redundancy, separation and so on;

  • Developing a parent's capacity to parent themselves when it is called for and to nurture a strong healthy relationship with their child;​

  • Overcoming procrastination and learning to bring about new behaviours;


The list goes on.....

Our programmes...

No client is the same.  Whilst the issues that clients come to us with might be similar in nature to those presented by other clients, the impact will not be the same.  As a result, our clients grow and develop very differently from each other and we therefore carefully craft our programmes to meet the needs of our clients taking into account their situation and sensitivities.  Unsurprisingly, we do not offer "off the shelf" development programmes.


Clients can expect a developmental programme that takes into account where they are currently and a dignifying path towards bringing about a shift in their Way Of Being. 


The work is incremental to reflect the unique mystery that we all are and the sensitivities that often reveal themselves when we begin to look inwardly and practise new ways of responding to engrained and habitual patterns and behaviours.  


The nature of developmental transformation means that we work with clients over a longer period of time to enable organic and sustained growth.  Typical programmes will include between 10 - 12 sessions taking place virtually and/or in person and last between 1 hour - 2 hours.  Sessions can occur weekly, fortnightly or monthly stretching anywhere between 3 - 12 months depending on the client's needs and aspirations.

A Levitational Approach...

Downward Pull

Leviate Coaching will work with clients to find out what is holding them in their current position ie what is the gravitational downward pull that is keeping them stuck.

We believe the journey begins with helping our clients identify and understand what is holding them in their current position i.e. gravitational downward pull.  Often our clients describe this as being "stuck" or that something is "missing" keeping them rooted.  This can arise in both someone's personal and professional life.  They might have difficulty with: changing historical patterns of behaviour, overcoming a strong inner critic and unhelpful thoughts, experience breakdowns in relationship because of emotional illiteracy and so on.  


Upward Lift

Levitate Coaching will work with clients so that they begin to take action and responsibility for their chosen destination.  They will help clients grow in self awareness and motivation.

The force required to lift our clients from their current position is an upward lift and must start directly from our clients' motivation and energy.  Through the coaching conversation clients become more conscious and self-aware and in touch with their developmental areas of growth, allowing them to gain a stronger sense of agency and what might be possible.  Through heightened awareness and practice, clients become more skilful, resourceful and self-correcting.

Guiding Steer

Leviate Coaching Coaches will help steer clients and support them throughout their Integral Development Coaching Programmes.

The guiding steer is what our experienced coaches bring to this dynamic.  Relying on their extensive training and compassion, together with their fierce client commitment, our coaches support clients every step of their journey.   They ask our clients powerful questions and make distinctions, listening compassionately to what is being said and being curious about what isn't being spoken about.  Coaches facilitate discussions to help clients gain clarity thereby improving self-awareness.  We offer clients self-reflection and practices to support the work.

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