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About me

I'm Rich, the founder of Levitate Coaching.  I am really passionate about coaching and personal development.  I've been on my own rollercoaster of development since April 2017, which inspired me to learn more and to make personal development more accessible.  I am a Certified Integral Development Coach, accredited by the International Coaching Federation.


I formed the business to make a difference to the lives of others and leave having made a positive impact in the world.


My career and professional experience before moving into the personal development space has been in both the legal sphere and financial services industry.  I studied law to masters degree level and trained as a Barrister.  After holding numerous senior leadership roles and serving as a Non-Executive Director, I decided to follow my heart and expand into coaching and personal development.


I've sought to combine the benefits of coaching, together with other offerings such as Shadow Work which I have experienced first hand so that clients have a greater depth of self-awareness and development.


I work with other like minded individuals who are deeply committed to this work and their clients, and have the necessary integrity and dedication.


I live in London, happily married with two young children and our dog, Bella.

The Story

The story began in April 2017.  I took a flight from London to the wilderness of Inverness to participate in a personal development weekend which had been recommended to me.  I was told the experience would be about "confronting myself".  Unsurprisingly, it had taken me 7 years to muster the courage to do it.  The experience was transformational (although it wasn't without its challenges) and I now wish I had done it sooner. 


The weekend was a catalyst to carry on "working" on myself.  The path since has been an incremental deep dive into my soul to discover more of myself and my relationship with everything on the outside.  Heart, body and mind stuff.


With all this work I had done on myself, overcoming limiting beliefs and stepping more into my true self, I realised that I wanted to be a conduit and an inspiration to others.  This is what led to me becoming a Certified Integral Development Coach.


Against this backdrop, I wanted to establish a company and form a  partnership with other like minded people to make a difference in the world and this is when Levitate Coaching was formed.



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